Monday, December 31, 2012

Lord of the Rings...try #3

So I first tried to read LOTR 2 years ago ( age 13) and barely made it through The Fellowship of the Ring. Skipped through it really. Stepping-stone read it, if you like. I just read what I deemed important and skipped what I deemed not. As a result I had no idea what was going on.
I took another jab at it last year (14). I made it to the second chapter of Two Towers...sigh. I couldn't do it. I still had no understanding or interest of what was going on in the book.
So now, it's time for try three. I'm going to take my time. I'm not going to skim. I realized that I needed to know that I had *not* memorized LOTR like I had pretty much done HP and could *not* just skip the uninteresting bits. I did this slow, thorough reading with The Hobbit and thoroughly enjoyed it. Hopefully I will feel the same after The Fellowship of the Ring.
So I shall dive in.
I decided the prologue was of little to no importance and I could skip it entirely. The Internet agrees with me (how trustworthy).
I might give updates about how I am fairing with tackling this book. Wish me luck!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Church party=awesomeness

So last night we had our high school and college Christmas party. It was an absolute blast!! We started out stuffing our faces and jut catching up with everyone. We then moved on to playing minute to win it. There was one game where we had to blow Christmas cards across a table. My band geek lung made that one a bit too easy for easy that in one blow my card was on the other side of the room. My team lost epically.
Then we had a gift ( aka white elephant ) exchange. My gift was a voice warper. It was quite entertaining. Though, I don't think that I enjoyed as much as one of my friends did. He was constantly stealing it and messing with it. I'd be using it, minding my own business, and out of the blue he'd just grab it out of my hands. So that is why every recording on that thing ends in laugher. After that we just ate, played apples to apples,and kind of watched elf. Overall it was quite magnificent.

Quote if the day:

"Oh heavens to Betsy!" -anonymous youth member

Friday, December 21, 2012

Why Pinterest is deadly

So all of us have had that one sorry sort of moment in life when we are supposed to be doing something productive but we choose to waste that time creeping around Pinterest? Yep. I do it ahh...daily. Supposed to be studying? I'll do that after a check out what's up on Pinterest. Oh I need a color scheme for a project? Lets look on Pinterest! And the list goes on and on for my ridiculous excuses.
For example, I have been meaning to get my learners permit for like 2.75 months. But whenever I get a chance to study for it, my iPod is sitting over there charging, looking oh so tempting...and then I see a notification from Pinterest pop up...I'm done, there no chance resisting.
Why does his happen? This plague completely controls the female species! It's just like the nonsense on there is so dang irresistible. Why? Why do I want to look at some other girls hair for and hour when I am well aware that my hair could never look like that? Or all the humorous e cards, I've probably aren't them all like ten times but it won't hurt to look through them again! Or the HP quotes and the clothes that are way to expensive to think about owning. It just is irresistible. I don't even look at the wedding stuff because I looked through it once...and hour and a half later I realized I had math homework. Now I love Pinterest. Have nothing against something that can bring me hours of pleasure. But mark my words,Pinterest will be the end of human females!!

Quote of the day:

"We did it, we bashed him! Wee Potter's the one! Now Voldy's gone moldy so now let's have fun!" -Peeves the Poltergeist HPDH

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

GMEA Allstate Band

So I am also one of the most extreme band nerds you may ever meet...a band geek extraordinaire per say:) In my free time I practice my flute or think about practicing my school I spend 25 min everyday kent for studying playing my flute in le band room. So overall, on might say I need to get a life...
So last year I was seventh middle school flute in the state. This is a bigger accomplishment ban you think cause I was the first from my county to even make the band. But anyway, this yer I'm going big. I am going for first in the state! Whoop whoop! I know it is not very likely being that three are like a bajillion (real word!) flutes out there. But I have a well put together practice plan for roughly 1.5-2 hrs a day!! Yay:) well I'm going to Ty my best to make this, get my goal etc... Sorry for my awkward ambitious slytherin rant:/ wish me luck:)

Monday, December 17, 2012

Reading Harry Potter for the 15th time

So I said I have a love for Harry Potter...I think you might not understand how extreme it is. I am now reading the series for the 15th time since I was 7. Yeah, this is a bit extreme. But every time I read it, I love it more! I understand the power of the story more, pick up more details, as emotions I didn't see or understand as a 7 year old. And it is always interesting as each year goes by to see how the 15 year old Harry correlates to the 15 year old me. Mainly, I find that I really am Hermione. I mean, how did JK know back in '96 that a year later a girl just like hermione would be born? And also, my newfound love for Draco Malfoy also flourishes with each reread;) Also, I recently found an interview with JK saying that each book is an allegory for different stories in the Bible. How much better can it get?? Obviously the 7th has the most palpable (8th grade vocab!) correlation...But overall I love the whole message and meaning of HP (which books like hunger games (TEAM GALE!) and twilight etc. lack) of love conquers all. It just makes me happy inside! Well, that'll be my rant for the day, I'll leave you with some thing to think about:

Quote of the day- 'just because you have the emotional range of a teaspoon doesn't mean everyone else does!'- Hermione Granger (HP OOTP)

Good morning sunshine! The Earth says hello!

What better way to start things off than with a willy wonka/ Johnny Depp quote? You tell me! But anyway, welcome to my 'blog' (aka the place where I rant about anything cause chances are, no ones gonna look at this!). Yerp, the description pretty much sums me up. Band geek extraordinaire , lives (not literally!) at church...yerp. You will get many band and church rants hear..oh and the occasional (haha who am I kidding) Harry Potter rant. Be warned, I love HP with an undying passion!! But yeah my advice to you is expect the unexpected!! Haha you never know what'll come out:)